The Write Publicist & Co.


He’s tall, he’s charismatic, he’s smooth, he’s savvy … and yes, he’s attention-grabbing RED. But, who is The Anonymous Red Man? He is an ardent force of creative endeavors, clever inventions and careful execution—but he’s virtually unknown to the world. He is an incognito, an average nameless John Doe. But he’s also a confident professional and a master of his craft. He just hasn’t figured out how to package his dynamism to attract his target audience.

There are many of his kind, but The Anonymous Red Man wants to be “The One” to stand out from the crowd, to become a brand name, an imprint, a trademark, a pop culture icon. He has style and panache. He's worked on his sales pitch, and he has a burning desire to rise above the masses. But how does he finesse the competition, remove the mask of mystery and make his message heard?

Imagine millions of anonymous faces just like his, individuals and companies, indistinguishable from a boundless sea of people struggling to be seen. Their faces are distorted blurs, but there is a flamed passion and fiery longing behind each masked face, eager to unveil a unique body of work—ideas, innovations, and talents.

The Anonymous Red Man finds himself lost in our ever-changing world of dot-com communities and social networks where 21st century digital technology dominates the cybernation.

How DOES The Anonymous Red Man peel away the layers of anonymity? His solution is to find a visionary partner­—someone to advise him and strategically position his brand. The Red Man finds that partner in The Write Publicist—a master of creative strategy, a scribe of compelling stories and a practitioner of media campaigns big on breakthrough branding. This publicist has the seasoned know-how and track record of written collateral, press promotion and public relations, as well as a direct connection to the World Wide Web of digital news broadcasting.

Suddenly, the Red Man has a recognizable face. He looks familiar. Consumers have seen him in trade magazines, on the news, in online searches, everywhere! He's Red Hot! His talents are finally being showcased to customers and the media. They want to know him!

Have you ever felt like The Anonymous Red Man? Call The Write Publicist and you, too, will soon be basking in the limelight.

Can You Afford To Remain Annonymous?